Terms and Conditions



We view your attendance as a stall holder as a partnership and undertake to advertise Canberra Markets widely across the region and on social media. It is important that before attending a market you like the market you are attending (Canberra Fashion Market, Canberra Kids Market or Canberra Christmas Market) on its Facebook and Instagram and promote that market on your personal social media.
To promote your products, attach one image of what you will be selling to your application. Any images you provide may be used in our promotional activities and market directory.

Stalls cannot be transferred, sublet, franchised or sold to any other person, nor can they be shared without written approval from management. We reserve the right to transfer stallholders to a different stall at our discretion.
Problems between stall holders must be referred to management at the markets to be resolved. We reserve the right to ask stall holders engaged in conflict to leave the markets and/or not to return to the markets.
Only products approved on the current application may be sold. If you wish to add new items to your stall, a request in writing, with photos, must be approved by management.
Pack up times are advised by email prior to the market and stall holders must stay set up until this time. No early pack up is permitted.
Please consider your availability to attend the market as no refunds or transfers are available after payment. If you are unable to attend a market please contact the organisers as soon as you know.
All stall holders must present their stalls professionally. Tables must be covered with tablecloths.
Please leave your site and the market building as you found it. Boxes and packaging must be taken with you after the market and not left at the venue. Broken racks and mirrors must be taken out of the venue and not put in garbage bins.
Stallholders must confine their displays to their allocated space. Signs and displays must be within this area and pathways kept clear for patrons.
All electrical equipment brought and used at the market must be tested and tagged. Any equipment not tested and tagged must be removed on request. The market organisers may be able to test and tag equipment for a fee.
Distribution of promotional material, is not allowed other than from the stall holder’s own stall. Placing of promotional material on car windscreen is not allowed.
Stall fees may vary according to size of stall, location in the market and number of sides from which the stall holder can sell to customers. The stall fee does not include insurance and advertising under- taken by the owners for the markets. No electricity is provided to stalls except for stalls around the walls of the pavilion. All electrical equipment plugged in to the pavilion electricity supply must have a current test and tag label. This includes extension cords. The market owners can test and tag equipment for a fee.
Canberra Markets does not provide equipment with stall space but stall holders can bring their own racks, tables and chairs to the market providing they can be fitted inside the dimensions of their stall and do not intrude on to their neighbors stalls or the aisles as marked. Racks, tables and chairs may be hired from the market for a fee at the time of booking a stall.
Stall holders must keep all fire exits clear at all times.


Set up and pack up times and details will be provided to the stall holder after booking a stall. You are required to stay for the duration of the whole market and not pack up early.
Canberra Fashion Market and Canberra Christmas Market provide change tents and mirrors located around the market. Stall holders can bring their own change tents and mirrors if they can fit inside the boundaries of their stall.


Details of the kinds of products stall holders intend to sell must be registered on their application forms at the time of application for Canberra Fashion Market, Canberra Christmas Market, Canberra Kids Market and Three Sixty Market. If approved, stall holders may only sell what is included on their application form. Any changes to products that are sold must be discussed with and approved by the owners of the market.
All goods sold at the markets must be good quality, clean and well presented. No damaged or dirty items may be sold. If it’s not in a condition that can be used, it cannot be sold.

Food items can only be sold if approved by the owners at the time of approving applications.
Please also note the following banned sales, substances and activities:
Food and plant products (including fruit, jams etc.) or beverages of any kind except by prior arrangement with the owners of market. Stall holders may not sell animals, poisonous products, prescription medications, illegal or offensive items, firearms, ammunition, explosives, weapons or dangerous goods of any kind, cigarettes/alcohol/drugs and illegal drug-related products, the sale of lottery, art union or raffle tickets, the conducting of any guessing game, lucky dip, chocolate wheel, side-show, competition, or game of chance is prohibited. Stall holders may not sell items that have legal restrictions upon their sale or disposal.


Payment for your stall is made online by credit card using the eWay payment system.
Stall approvals are at the sole discretion of the owners of Canberra Markets. Should your application not be successful you will be notified by email. No further deliberation will be given to unsuccessful applications. The market owners reserve the right to cancel approvals at their discretion.
There are absolutely no refunds or market date transfers. If you are unable to attend your booked market date please contact the market owners as soon as possible.
The market owners reserve the right to change your stall selection or cancel your booking at their discretion.
Should a market be cancelled due to emergencies, dangers, weather conditions, disasters, safety issues, health concerns, or other reasons that are not in control of the market owners, stall holders will not be automatically entitled to a refund or market transfer, except at the discretion of the owners.


Individual results vary at any given market due to a range of variables outside of the control of Canberra Markets. Canberra Markets will endeavor to attract customers to the markets by a range of measures but cannot be held responsible for attendance figures. Canberra Markets takes no responsibility for stall holders’ success on the day.
Canberra Markets accepts no responsibility for transactions entered in to at any of its markets.


It is your responsibility to make sure you are aware of the trading hours at the market event you are attending. All stall holders must stay for the duration of the Market. Please don’t book a stall if you can’t commit to the day and times required. Specific venue logistics and further information is emailed to stallholders on approval of their application.
At the end of the market day, please leave your stall the way you found it. Place rubbish in the bin provided. Take any broken garment racks and cardboard boxes home with you and do not leave them inside or outside the venue.


Stallholders are responsible for stall security and money. No responsibility is taken by the owners of Canberra Markets for theft, loss or damage.
Stall holders agree to set up their stall spaces in a safe and secure manner to ensure the safety of all shoppers and other Stall holders. Exit Doors are to be kept clear at all times.


Stall holders who have booked wall stalls cannot put signs on the walls behind their stalls Please remove and dispose of your signage at the end of the day. Any damage to walls must be reported to the owners of the market.
You may hand out advertising or promotional material at your designated stall, such material must relate to the products on sale at your stall. Promotion of other markets and venues is not permitted. Please don’t spruik or place flyers on car windscreens etc.

Canberra Markets has an extensive database and social media reach. We advertise online through Facebook and Instagram, event listing websites and numerous other advertising outlets that may include television, press and radio advertising.
Canberra Markets reserves the right to use the product images of participating stall holders in our marketing material to promote the market event they are attending.


Canberra Markets shall not be responsible for the compliance by a stallholder with any By-law, Regulation, Act or Statute. Canberra Markets accepts no responsibility for any transaction entered into in the Market enclosure. Canberra Markets will not refund stall hire fees or equipment hire fees paid in the case of cancellation of market due to factors out of our control. Canberra Markets reserves the right to decide or arbitrate any dispute arising out of or in the course of the conduct of the Market. Canberra Markets reserves the right to refuse admission to the Market to any person without giving any reason for the same and to eject or cause to be ejected any person and/or his/her goods and chattels without giving any reason for the same. Canberra Markets accepts no liability for the loss or damage of any kind suffered by any person who enters the Market area and all persons who enter the Market area do so at their own risk. The stall holder agrees to indemnify Canberra Markets against all claims for damages or injury to the property or person of any persons in respect of any claim by any such person arising out of negligence on the part of the stall holder or his/her agents. An entry fee to the markets may be charged at the discretion of the owners of the market.


Canberra Markets is the owner and operator of this site.
By using this site you agree to be bound by the terms that are shown here.
Canberra Markets reserves the right to change terms on this site. If you use the site after changes have been made it is assumed that you have accepted the new terms. All changes will be dated on the site.
Canberra Markets may change the content and functions of the site at any time without notice.
Intellectual property on this site belongs to Canberra Markets. By using this site you do not develop any intellectual property in or on the site.
If you do not change or republish the content in any way, you may download, view and print material on this site for personal use.
We do not guarantee that any content on this site is accurate and you are responsible and accept all risks from relying on this information.
Canberra Markets will not be responsible for any damage or loss to you or your property from using this site or any third party content contained in the site.
If you provide any content to Canberra Markets you grant us the right to use that material in any way we see fit and will acknowledge you as the author. We may choose not to use any content you submit to us.
You must not use this site in any unlawful way.

We do not refund or transfer stalls unless we can relet your stall. If you can’t make it, you cannot give your stall to another person without prior approval from the Market Owners. There are no waiting lists for stall spots so only book if you know you can make it on the day.


Stallholders are not covered for public liability insurance and must provide their own public liability insurance.

Setting up and access on the day

Detailed instructions are emailed to our stallholders before the market.

Change Rooms

Change rooms are provided – stallholders should take a deposit or full payment for the garment that is being tried on. Unfortunately theft does occur at all markets and you need to be careful to protect your goods.


Market venues have easy parking around the venue. Detailed instructions are sent to participating stallholders closer to each market date.


The Owners reserve the right to withhold consent to a stallholder to occupy a stall at a market, to remove or to have removed from the market stallholders whose conduct the owners do not find satisfactory for whatever reason.
The owners reserve the right to terminate the registration of stallholders and remove their login details for the market booking system for whatever reason the Owners consider appropriate.
The owners reserve the right to withhold consent to a stallholder to occupy a stall at the market, where the stallholder has been privately invited to attend a market as a stallholder and is not registered as a stallholder, for whatever reason the Owners consider appropriate. Markets may be cancelled at the discretion of the Market Owners at any time including the day of the market without notice. If markets are cancelled, every effort will be made to contact stallholders and customers prior to the advertised start time of the market.