CLICK HERE TO MAKE A BOOKING PrintElectric Space Heater, 3 adjustable settings to suit large or small areas, indoor and outdoor MAKE A BOOKING First name*Surname*Home Address*Number, Street, Suburb, PostcodeAddress of Event*Number, Street, Suburb, Postcode. If same as home address please type 'Home'.Mobile and Landline Numbers*Mobile and Landline NumbersEmail* Date of Event* Products*TableTableTableTableChildren's table & chairsTableclothTableclothFolding ChairPlastic ChairChair CoverGlassesCrockeryCutleryHot Water UrnCoffee PercolatorIce BoxRed CarpetBarricade & RopesUrn with flowers & pedestalMarqueeBridal ArchWishing WellsFloodlightsFanHeaterHeaterChocolate FountainBelgian Chocolate For FountainsPopcorn MakerNumber of each product*For example: '60 Plastic Chairs', '1 Wishing Well'. '5 1.8 meter tables'.Type Of Event*What is your event? For example 21st Birthday, Wedding etc.