Example Page

Page Headline / Title (should be <h1>, clear and catchy, include primary keyword/phrase if possible)

First paragraph – What is the ONE thing you want the reader to understand after they’ve read the copy? This ONE thing should be captured in the first couple sentences followed by a summarisation of the bene ts on the rest of the page. This paragraph should also include the payoff (linked call-to-action).

Bolded Sub-Headline (Benefit #1)

  • Back up the main benefit with supporting point.
  • May use bullets to
  • Highlight some features or
  • Additional points.

Bolded Sub-Headline (Benefit #2)

Back up the main benefit with supporting point.

  1. May use a numbered list
  2. to hightlight information
  3. in an easy to read, step by step format

Bolded Sub-Headline (Benefit #3)

back up the main benefit with supporting point.

Linked Call-to-Action Line


DATE OF NEXT Three Sixty Fashion Market: 16 March 10am-3pm

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